Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why do we need to define......the future

I have been witnessing news clippings in electronic media. Irrespective of caste, creed, geography and race - one thing which is common and discussed in every forum today is the global recession. We hear the job losses. We also hear about the storm which will impact India. This is the time for a large scale correction. Every one who is worth is suit ( salt ) is becoming an expert in subject we never heard before.
I remember as child my grandpa - meeting the neighbourhood astrologer with my horoscope - with an worried expression requesting him to predict my future. This happened almost every month and in the end of it the astrologer always made a comment which was never definite and always ended with a conclusion which is never conclusive. My grandpa felt satisfied and will return to discuss the predictions elaborately with my granny and mother - don't worry he will go places. Right now he is impacted by few changes in the planet. He will be alright. As a young boy I never understood few things:-
What was the concern my grandpa had about me which had driven him to the neighbourhood astrologer....
What is that he wanted to hear from him which in turn he used as a tool to express to my granny and mother.....
I used to feel confused and lost and landed up asking my mother as usual - " is there something wrong with me" for which she always answered with a sly smile " not really my son - we are preparing ourselves for your better future".
I have no particular reason to remember my child hood now. However I cant help but to draw inferences from a past for some reasons not know to me.
Every regulator, every banker, every one who is part of a panel in some discussions are all saying one thing in common - The worst is yet to come.
AS USUAL WE ARE ALL PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE - WHICH WE KNOW FOR SURE IS GOING TO BE FAR MORE WORSE THAN WHAT WE ARE WITNESSING NOW..... ( the pundits are predicting it ... ofcourse they are well dressed dont worry and you will always see them exiting out of expensive cars and places every now and then)
More in next...

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