Friday, January 30, 2009

Are we the nation of culture or diminishing values...

My comfort in Hindi as a language is not very good. The reasons are many. But the one which can be best expressed is - I am worried about my accent and grammar when I speak. Thanks to my multilingual spoken language ability, Hindi still appears to be a skill in my resume among 7 other languages which I know ( all of them are Indian).
I encountered this elderly man.
He is the father in law of my neighbour visiting her from a remote place of Northern states. His Hindi is impeccable. He had this great baritone and I presume excellent oratorical skills too. When he speaks there is a divine quality in his voice. You will be forced to listen to him.
During my evening walks ( not that I am a health freak - its just a habit, trying to maintain my routine) I encountered this gentleman and we made it a habit to spend some time discussing about everything under moon.
He will never complain about anything. But he has a view on everything. In a five minute conversation, you will realise he would have spoken "why"for 4 minutes 59 seconds. I always end up wondering - what he says/said might be true.
He will worry about the street children in Mumbai. He even had a strong view on the Slum dog Crorepati movie.
"Why do you think they choose a Sari Clad Indian woman as a co - director. Only an Indian can wash his dirty linen in public"
" Did you see the movie" I said " No I haven't"
"Good, there is nothing to see at all. You have that filth all around you in the city of Mumbai. Garbage filled all around. Children take to crime. Subjected to crime. Trained to commit crime. Call girls, eunuchs there are tons of them living in this city. Living with shame. Surviving by doing shameful acts. Its there everywhere in the world."
He will go on further:-
" We as a society never recognised the fact - basic amenities to human kind - like, education, clean drinking water, sanitation, health care and three square meal are far more critical than - anything else"
"Our angel politician from the state I hail from - is busy collecting "Chanda" for her birthday. Imagine the fate of this country which will be led by such politicians - who has no formal education to understand economy, health care, Infrastructure...."
I interrupted him " tell me which country has one"
He looked at me in disbelief as if I am an untouchable.
"You cant be serious are you?. In my service, I have travelled extensively across the country. I also happen to travel far countries like Canada, Europe and UK where three of my children live. No were you have a public system which is grossly corrupted and politicians are nothing but thugs and useless criminals"
" You continue to pay taxes every year. If you are part of working community you tax gets deducted at source. How do you measure such contribution to the society is working or not. You have no measure. Few good men - go on PIL route and question everything a government does. But as a society how are we questioning our system. How are we measuring our money spent."
I was actually getting cynical about this old man. He will always stop me in my track and start a conversation:-
" Are you avoiding me?"
I will politely say, not at all and will attempt to walk un interrupted. But he wont let me. He will start a conversation.

" I think Obama will do a good job. He is the hope for the future. I am saying educated people like you should come into politics" I will stare at him in dismay. Unsure whether he is serious or joking.

"One Slum dog Crorepati - music gets an international recognition we all jump with joy. Look at our pathetic demand for recognition from a capitalistic world which has no respect or understanding of our culture. Our poverty ridden attitude, forgetting that we are self sustained economy - needs such small senseless recognition to feel good. We are the nation of Billion people. Our combined eligible workforce is three times bigger than Europe. We are the country which practices more than 800 music instruments still in use. Our bajans are far more meaningful not for their lyrics - but soul richening ragas. Our sasthras preach them".
My head will spin in all direction after these conversations. What is he trying to do to me?. Is he educating me?. Or these conversations are nothing but a source of expression for his frustrated and tired mind.
Or may be no one listens to him except me and he wants to share every junk running in his mind.
I asked him one day, what is that he wants achieve with such loaded thought process of his mind.
He smiled and said " If I can make one person like you to think, I am sure there are many more who will follow. In the world of materialistic interests, we are forced to stay focused on our circle. We have a duty to perform. Family to look after. Credit card dues, Housing loan dues, Children education and many more worries. Somewhere some one need to start thinking for the society and such thinking alone will help us to achieve collective wisdom without which no change will happen in a society which is ridiculed beyond recognition"
I was stunned at this remark.
How many times we have seen street children knocking at the window panel of your car - begging. You are so used to it you learnt to ignore it and accepted it as part of society living standards.
How many times you have seen those families sleeping below a cemented shelter of a over bridge?
Horror stories of the millions travel in Mumbai trains every day and how one terrorist attack on them impacted their ordinary life.
Stories of lives lost due to a inefficient system support and in adequate managerial capability in addressing public woes.
Child marriages, Mumbai Slums, Public distribution system ( our ration card system), transport buses, railway compartments, health care centers, primary and secondary education, road, clean drinking water, electricity - the more I thought I was getting this feeling of helplessness. I am wondering who will initiate the change. A change which will promise and assure a clean society to live and the corrupt will get eradicated. Poverty will be history.
The old man certainly made me think.
Are we the nation of culture of diminishing values?.....

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