Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cant let it go... then be prepared to suffer..

I have heard people telling me
" Chief I can't let it go"
"Its so close to my heart"
"I carry a pride for my achievement"
"I don't care what others might say, its mine and I have created it"
"I am the creator of this-and I know how to handle this"
I always listened to such remarks with a remarkable calm and quietness. I wanted to listen to such people. I wanted to listen to them as if I had nothing else to do. Its not easy to listen. One will discourage such people, such claims, such self portrayal as a waste of time. I don't hesitate to listen. I encourage people to talk more. I often direct the conversation to the point where one will elaborate details, connect themselves with an achievement, an incident, a person, a practice, a strategy and many more - using words.
I quite often remarked. An average Indian reflexes are far more stronger and better than his counterpart elsewhere in the world. A Brit has an unique advantage of practicing English - he has no other choice. Many Europeans, our cousins from China and world over, has a limitation of practicing limited skills to enhance their linguistic skills. However, an Indian practices an average of three languages. His mother tongue, his national language and his favourite English.
So when I encourage people to use words to express themselves, I draw a deeper meaning into each word spoken, sentences formed, paragraph explained and above all the intrinsic emotions connected with each of such claims. I try to connect to such expressions without judgement. As a human being you have no right to judge another fellow human being. That's my firm belief.
For all those people who strongly belive " I can't let it go" - remember one thing. Its our own insecurities which leads to such passionate feeling to hold on things - you have decided to stop on the track midway. It applies to life, relationship anything which relates to you and you are part of it. You stopped midway - you decided to stop mid way. The track leads you. You have decided to stop midway and didnt dare to proceed further for the fear of failure. Fear of not experiencing another feel good factor which you have experienced on things which you feel strongly " I cant let it go". And you like reciting them in every occassion. Every time you get an opportunity to speak. Everytime you have audience to listen. Everytime you become a focal point of discussions. Beware - no one suffers other than you. No one suffers other than you becuase its you who decided and said " I can't let it go". Similarity of experiences ends there. Its only similarity of mind which is unsure of future endevours starts there onwards.
When you decided to "not to let it go" - you suffer. The progress is withheld. A day will come you will wake up with a uncertainty of happenings around you - you will wonder whats next. You will wake up to realise - I wish I had given it up long before. You will come back to the track to start another journey. Till then be prepared to suffer if you "can't let it go".
More in my next post.

1 comment:

  1. This one is even better than the first. Nice. Ur writings seem to be a true reflection of your personality. Very nice one. Cheers.
