Sunday, January 25, 2009

Few drops in an ocean....

Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. If you must lie, then lie, but only in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death….And if you must drink, drink only in the moments that take your breath away.

There is always music in you. It responds to your mood. When you are not so happy it emerges as a sole companion to you. You keep tapping or shake leg or even shake your head. When you are happy it spreads into your system as a positive energy and makes you dance all over the place. Your mind is never empty. It is just getting tuned to your own music. A music which only you can hear and you can recognize. There is music in all of us called ‘Life’…

Analysis is condemnation. Ask yourself, ‘why do you want to do that’. The question itself is ill willed. You are seeking a motive that you have prejudged unworthy of you. Second guessing your motives undermine the faith in your own mind and leads to a decision to thwart the desire you had. A healthier approach would be to accept the desire and simply seek to learn its direction, seek to clarify it rather than judge it.

It’s not important to know what runs in the mind of your loved ones. It’s important to know what is running your mind for your loved ones.

Self esteem is always a trouble maker. When you are cornered and you have no clue as to where to look for the first mask you wear is in the name of self esteem. Quite often it is worthless. When it is considered to be of any worth you have no amicable use for it. People often confuse between self esteem and esteem of the self. The difference between both is like a bubble in the water and water in a bubble. When you think you have understood it, it’s gone. When you think you have not – its still gone. Either way, you don’t need it. What you need is your rhythm of self – to yourself and for yourself.

Emotions are misrepresented. The understanding of an emotion is connected with an act associated with an attachment which is an outcome of an incident. When you look deep into the meaning of it you will realize your KARMIC realizations are bundled into an elementary self portrayal. We tend to get swept away from the haves and the have nots and would like to believe what we think we have is what we wish we should have rather than what we wish to have is not what we have and what we have is the one we wish we never had. You don’t lose anything in your karmic senses. We only neglect to associate ourselves and create disconnect within ourselves. It only resurfaces later to remind you of your connect not your wish to connect. In KARMIC attainment there is nothing called good or bad? There is only CONNECT or NO CONNECT. It’s like a signal drop in your cellular. When the signals are stronger you are Connected when they are not you don’t. The Moral is you realize that you are not governed by emotions but by karmic attainments. I am one of your karmic attainments happening all around you.

No race is dear to life. It’s the end result which is dear to life. It’s called the race to succeed. We all want to race past the other, condemning the basic purpose of existence. Uncertainty is the mother of all races. We all race –fearing some one will race past us if we are not fast enough.

Half of our woes are generated through the way we look at happenings around us. We have bifocals. It has two standards. One for us and the other is for the world at large. If you can eliminate the dual standard – you gain a perfect balance

The elementary truth about life is we tend to understand things only to that extent limited to our knowledge and experience. The truth is – our knowledge and experience are so limited. We do not attain the wisdom to live life in its true sense.

The success of a strategy is never in its conception. Its always in its simplicity of execution. Life included. You don’t walk a distance to count the steps – but to cover a leap.

Care is a powerful four letter word. It differentiates and articulates the difference between “lust” and “love”. You either land up saying I care a **** or I don’t care a ****. So care either way.

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