Sunday, January 25, 2009

Creativity runs high in bad times..

I wonder sometimes, loudly - but mostly to my self. When something goes wrong why is it that people talk so much about it, it almost echos through a society without realising how it impacts the thought process of young and old alike. All the times it happens.

The other day Barrack Obama - I prefer to skip the middle name which means nothing to me - but so much fuss around it, made a predictable speach with his great oratory skills. He said the challenges are for real. But never said a word which cultivated negative connatation around anything. He is the hope for the future americans. For the world.
I strongly believe, use your creativity when times are good. Use your wisdom when the times are not so good.

One of my biggest learning was, when I travelled to Srilanka. First time it was the year 2001. I met few business partners and many traders. The general atomosphere - while I was sitting in a sit out made for dinner and local arrack - in the Columbo cricket stadium - listening to a local guy trying to impress me with the song " Tum paas aein" from one of the SRK movies - wasnt a good feeling around local business. I never ever heard anyone saying its "bad". Instead they said its not so good. Amazing. It taught me something. And I learnt a valuable lesson than night which I use quite often in my trainings and while I interact with my team - "its not so good" has a hope of improvement. "Its bad" is giving it up.

Wisdom often comes under pressure. You voice it and no one wants to listen to it when times are good. When times are not so good, every one wants to try out something which is time tested. Proven. And risk taking takes a back seat.
You dont let your creativity run wild. Rather you prefer to play it safe. Everything is curbed. Your spend. Your attitude. Your opinions. Everthign is curbed.

I suggest a re think once again. Times are not good - not good for an econonmy which was filled with factors exaggerated. Not so good due to the fact that every one went overboard - from ibank to our own dalal street retail investors.
Its the time for correction. There is a liquidity crunch. Curb on everything. Time to undo our wild creatvitiy and start using our simple wisdom. Logic supported with actions. Not a list of activities which in my opinion is waste of time. Action speaks louder than words. You dont have to blame your politicians. You can bring in a change. Change - which you can influence. Start from your home first. Cultivate that habit of creating positive impact. In words. In deeds. In culture.

( I will write more later)

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