Monday, November 16, 2009

Who is our role model...

We had one. Always wanted to have one as a role model.

Something we wanted to follow. We cherished, respected, adored and above all simply believed.

The question we ask ourselves now is - who is our role model?

The life today is not in sync with the life we want to have or in other words - we do not follow our principles or values any more.

How do we follow a role model?

How do we even identify one?

Wake up Sid - is a new a reality. Gum chewing youth and the T shirt clan is the order of the day.

Casual sex in the corridors, loose talk in the coffee shops, loaded discussion on education in the campus, nerds on the net and a life style which is not in a box is the order of the day.

So how do we identify one?

That spark which will essentially drive the entire growing up generation. Make them realise how important are values to human existence.

An A.R.Rehman for Music aspirants?.

A Sachin for sports Aspirants?.

A Vijendra Kumar?. (who is seen more in the ramps than in the rings).

A Rahul Gandhi for the nation full of youth who was so agitated once remarked " Yes I am a kid, so is the nation full of them".

Who is our role model?

Hanna Montana?

Tweeter freaks?

Face Book profiles?

Filth filled Chat rooms?

Yankee accent?

Lee/Levis jean Clad?

Khan clad?

Munna Bhai's?

Where are they? A nation which took pride in itself which taught Ahimsa to the world. A half clad man who took the whole nation to walk along with him and we could not even protect him over a year - which the Britishers could manager for decades.

The entire social eco system needs a close watch. A new will. A new movement. Re generate it self with new energy. Reach out to that common man who is in the streets of Bihar, AP, Assam and many more parts of that country.

67 Million working population in the Urban area does not decide the fate of this country. Instead they widen the gap between brothers from Patna to Bhubaneswar. Kozhikode to Kolkata. Mumbai to Guhawati.

Many of us are compelled to chase what we think is the most admirable slot craved for us. I am above the rest and I don't care the rest which is in dirt. Be it. Remember you just dusted from teh rest. None are different.

Time to think.....

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