Sunday, November 22, 2009

Laugh Out Loud..... " The Proposal"...

I got the real meaning of this "Lol" watching this hilarious movie called "The Proposal". If you are a fan of Sandra Bullock, especially some of us who has seen her in " Time to Kill" kind of movies - will realise quickly, she is actually capable of more than she has ever done so far.

Honestly, even though it's a predictable movie, whats makes the movie makes different from the typical run of the mill - boy meets girl, they fight first, then they fall in love and live happily ever after - is the way the story evolved.

Ryan Reynolds is particularly a real cool guy. Its a story about a woman who has a secretary - and when she was on the verge of deported and was threatened from loosing her job from a high power position - she makes a deal with her secretary.

What follows is a heart warming romantic comedy.

Its a full family fun and dont forget to watch it on your week end holiday.

Great fun...

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