Saturday, November 14, 2009

Vicky Cristina Barcelona - a MUST watch movie..

A classic movie - every characters in this movie - be it Scarlett Johansson, Rebacca Hall, Javier Bardem and even Penelope Cruz, lived their part well.

There is nothing about the story which will help your intellectual esteem to feel elevated. Rather your intellect will be questioning you over your understanding of Romance.

Romance Per Se.

Hard to define. I normally watch movies with a great interest - and land up treating them as subject of entertainment and move ahead. Rarely I will think of it for a prolonged period of time.

- strikes chord in you. There is a reality in the movie. A raw intent which all of us will like to experiment - oscillate between reality and dreaming, yet unsure of which one to follow. We end up doing nothing about romance other than - simply put - lots of catching up to do.

When we fail in what we attempted to do or pretended to do - we settle down with the best you got in hand - like Rebacca Hall does in this movie or begin a new search - like Scarlett Johansson does.

VCB - is a reality. Knocking at your door. Values are tearing you apart yet the intention to experiment never stops. And every experiment turns out to be an experience and mostly a bad one. We choose the conventional wisdom over the heart.

Yet we listen to the heart quite often. We know it fails you.

VCB is one movie - you will fall in love the moment you start watching it. Its exceptional quality of Cinematography, locales, the coziness the characters expresses and when you want more of it - that's when the movie ends exactly.

We realize the moment we start watching the movie and say - "god I know the story line". I know what will happen in the end. I know the sequence. I know I what the characters will play. I can feel them. I exactly know the lines too.

If you don't feel in the manner in which I have expressed probably you are watching a wrong movie and you should immediately shift yourself to enjoy only some Sci-Fi stuff or something which has a Chan tag to it. Not kidding. I am serious. I am not attempting to put you in a box either.

You got to feel the movie. Every aspect of VCB is like a poetry written to appeal to your romantic senses and appeal subtly to your intellectual self to elevate your senses.

Even the old man who does the roll of the father of Javier Bardem - he is so well portrayed. VCB is not meant only for a type of audience. VCB is every where. Happening to every one of us. Wherever we are. No matter whether you are in India, Hongkong or even China.

VCB is for all.

1 comment:

  1. Nice piece. Do u have the DVD. I'll try to watch it too sometime.
