Monday, November 16, 2009

2012..... not too far anyway..

It took considerable amount of time for me to realise that I watched a movie called 2012.

Did I watch a movie?

Its like watching your own destruction -not so believable real life portrayal (you can forgive the moments in which some of the characters in the movie talk slowly, react slowly and keep talking non stop - except that FM stations guy) of your own destruction.

Why on earth we human beings are not realising something - so strongly played in a creative mind- developed into a technological marvel as a movie.

AnIndian scientists is responsible for actually identifying the phenomenon (a guest appearance by a SRK, Aamir or even Kamal Hassan would have benefited the commercial marketers immensely) and portrayed the savior ships are built in China.

Globalization claims that 44% of hollywood movies' revenues are from these two countries inspite of contributing over 83% to piracy. Still, a huge and profitable market which cannot be ignored.

I heard its growing over 17% per annum - no other industry has such huge reach and undivided audience but.

Indian brains (other than the popular curries all over the globe) and the Chinese ability to build anything on earth (other than their popular food in the west - I hear Westerners eat their food now only on occasions like their birthday, anniversaries and marriages - out of austerity measures) is taken for granted.

The minor irritation is the compulsory accent whenever you portray an Indian or a Chinese on screen. (don't pat me and tell me it's reality brother - I say).

My 13 year old child didnt sleep the night after the movie. She bunked the next day school too. The impact of the movie is so powerful.

My little daughter of 5 while watching the movie - felt so real - she started extending her hand for the father who after abandoning the FM station wagon and retrieving the map was attempting to board the flight.

The making of this movie is so gigantic. It has an element of scary truth about it (except over-played American patriotism which is so predictable that we know from the beginning the president will stay back and wouldnt board the Air force - 1)and its noticed more than in one Hollywood flick that a black prominent character only gets to kiss another black prominent character.

Romance is still racial and needs a radical change.

If you intend to watch a high power drama, to entertain your senses, admire the grandeur of Hollywood, chat with your friends about the technology of the movie and post the movie want to catch up a Chinese dinner night (which we did incidentally) - I recommend this is not the movie for you.

Stay away from it.

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