Monday, March 1, 2010

The power of thinking....

The mind is very powerful. it creates 'reality' in a sense, because what we think determines what we can and can't see or do. If we 'put our minds to it' we can overcome many obstacles, including physical ones. It is the belief that the mind is more powerful than the body. Specifically, mind over matter refers to controlling pain that you may or may not be experiencing, such as holding your hand under extremely hot water and feeling no pain. Science investigates the sending and receiving messages without the usual human senses and the manipulation of random events by sheer will.For the human sense of race is so strong that it convinces us of reality even ...... secure floating buns without trouble—an instance of sheer intelligence. ...Among the most marvelous, most frightening and certainly most unbelievable possibilities suggested by psychic folklore is that human beings may be able to exert an observable influence upon the physical world -- simply through the power of conscious intention; or unconscious intention, or; by some accounts, through the assistance of spiritual intelligences; or as a result of a mysterious principle known as synchronicity.

Man appears as created, that is, as the one who, in the midst of the "world," received the other man as a gift. Later we will have to make precisely this dimension of the gift the subject of a deep analysis in order to understand also the meaning of the human body in its rightful extent.

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