Friday, March 5, 2010

Its easy to live life if your creative skills are sharpened...

When people work together, such as in businesses, organizations or families, they are more productive and successful when they are clear about their intentions or goals, and can manifest positive attitudes and communicate well.

Inadequate communication skills and poor relationships are costly to businesses and are personally detrimental. They waste time and energy, reduce connection, cooperation, collaboration and commitment, and hence impair creativity, productivity, happiness and satisfaction.

Most of us can benefit from revisiting or further developing the mindset and the skills that facilitate successful communication and collaboration. I suggest a step is find a coach.

I am of the opinion the best coach a parent can get ( few are lucky like me) is to watch their little ones very closely. The attention they give for each detailing they pick up on their way to growing up - for we grown ups might sound amusing and sometime hilarious.

Don't to do that. There is a message for we grown ups here. They leverage the knowledge around them when they grow up. Watch out for their body language, usage of verbal tones, subtle softness they force on you by constantly approaching you for a pat, how panicky they get when you disapprove anything what they do or achieve - the lesson is my dear grown ups they are treating you as their coach through which they develop themselves. By sheer observation one learns. By continued interaction one sharpens. When the toddlers step out of the coziness of home they learn things from the external environments. They learn few things which you would have never taught them. But they learn.

With children you communicate, coach and be there always when they need them. With fellow human beings its easier. You show a little gesture, watch out for the pay outs. Its amazing.

Don't restrict yourself just because you are a grown up and you need to wear that cap of forced "I am suppose to know it all" attitude. Never you will learn everything in one life time. Engage and communicate at least you will get branded as stupid. But you will never be less creative.


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