Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where are we heading

The other day I had a very challenging travel to undertake. These early morning flighta and late evening return flights to Mumbai and out of Mumbai are not so easy.

Combined with it, the run way in Ahmedabad was closed for few hours and all the flights were diverted to Mumbai. Our Pilot was sounding apologetic about the delay however said with lots of happiness - "dont worry we have enough fuel".

We keep hearing those horrible stories of flights were hoveing over Mumbai with just "two minutes of fuel" to spare and "flying within 500 meters" etc.,

One need to live on hope in India when you fly in the sky. Not that its bad... there is no comparison when you fly with uncertainty and expect to achieve effeciencies.
Its a tall order.

Now the real reason why I started writing this blog was for somethign else.

I was in this flilght which provides a satelite connectivity to watch your favourite channels. I was surfing and landed up watchign a horrible, half baked, orchestrated, immature program conducted by India's leading anchor woman Barka Dutta.

Hey Barka no offense meant. If you are running short on time demand two episodes instead capsuling it in one. It will help.

There were half dozen of eminent personalities in the show. They were impressive and particularly one recited some Hindi Peoms as well. The show was to discuss the linking language for India other than English. Its was so biased.

What was the BBC reporter doing in this show god only knows.

There was one teacher who teaches Sanskrit - very meakily sounded off to the audience - why wont we revoke the Sanskrit the mother of all language and develop it as a linking languguage only to be snubbed by Barka's statement stating that " she was so scared of the language as a child".

Barka who cares. And all those so called intellegencia in the show who cares what are you scared off. The concept of the linking language other than English to a grossly misinformed and under previleged Indians is a sin to discuss in open. Some one was throwing statistics 4% of the civilised world in India uses Engllish and majority of them uses Hindi.

Hindi in India is spoken in many forms. There is a Bojpuria, UP - eria, Tamilindia, Telugindia, Malayalamindia,Begalindia ( even today in Kolkata - if you happen to call your friend and if some senior citizen answers the phone - if you ask in nice sweet Hindi can I speak to Chakraborthy - you can hear the Senior Citizen yelling at his son in Bengali " hey listen you got some call from some Hindustani" - thats the extent of Bengali understandig a non Benali.).

The fundamental thing about this so called orchestrated show conducted by Barka - leaves nothing to ponder over by the intellegencia, policy makers, academecians, students or any one who wants to think.

Why Barka why do you have to do this. When we go out for shopping in a Video shop with our Children we always land up pikcing educational DVD made by BBC, Nat Geo or some one who is non Indian. The best Children movie is also from Iran. Shame on us.

The time now for India is to present a single face to the world.

The only country in the World which is talking about economic growth and the world is eagerly waiting to participate in this opportunity. There will be a fall out of greedy minds currupting it. We agree.

The only thing which worked in favour of invading foreigners to India is - be it Moghuls or Brits we as Indians were always divided by cultures, language even through the skin of our colour. We recognise faces and based on the text of the skin within India and declare them - hey he is a Madrasi, he is a Punjabi etc.,

There was this theatere personality ( he acts in movies too by the way) from Maharashtra. He was sounding too sleepy and for heaven's sake this wasnt about saving Marathi as a language. But discussing about the linking language among Indians.

The lady I didnt get her name, but she is the one who did the role of Vidya Balan's mom's role in Paa. Lavishly spoken, articulated few sentences and got applauded by people in the show.

Why is that I felt half of the audience in the show were South Indians. Then there was some celeberity who was defending how the formation of LTTE has happened because of forcing a language on Tamils of Srilankan made them to fight for their own identity therefore dont force Hindi on Indian. Rubbish.

Mr. Roy of NDTV. Have you actually seen this episode while it was shot or after it was telecast. Can this episode be shown to my growing up child and explain the relevance of our a naion which needs to be united through a common language other than English?. Can this open up debate among academians accross the country to seek for a reform. A french for france. A German for a Germany.

God some one need to remind Barka.

The mother of all language on earth are not from England, Germany, France or US. Its from India. The mother of language per se which united the civilisation during its formative days are not from an outer space - but from India. The oldest lanuage known to civilisation is none other Tamil, Sanskrit and Tulu.

Tamil has become a pride for DMK and its multiple forms ( did you notice D of any party in Tamil Nadu represents Dravidar - be it DK, DMK, ADMK and many more) of parties.

The only oldest language which survived its brutuality over a period of time is Tamil. Sanskrit (which the greeks worship) has gone out of circulation. Thanks to many more Bharka's of our society who never had a parent to preach them what is Sanskrit is all about.

Divided India during British regime had nothing to gain - yet was so undecided about its rich language heritage and culture.

We almost were partonised on every possible occassion. Indian post Independence were united for a cause. Who will make the fastest run in amassing wealth.

That too disproportionately. Will anyone ever bother to keep " Chanakya's ArthaShastra" as a compulsory study among school syllabus. Can the epics like Ramayan and Mahabharata can be replaced by anything else. Will we stamp Bhagawat Geetha meant only for upper caste in a caste ridden politically exploited system.

Vedas, Upanishads and many more - all were for generations were written and read in Sanskrit. Some time during the formation of a society which got divied between educated and not educated - the educated took advantage of the not educated and created multiple forms of Mannu's of our society. Sanskrit was systaatially murdred. Driven out of practice. System.

And Bharka shot a snobbish and rubbish statement on the one and only woman in the entire show who made one sendible statement.

Bharka -- we call it you know what " time pass". We have better things to do in life but not at the cost of corrupting a nation with this half baked theories telcast over a channel like yours.

The topic which you choosen is so powerful and none will dispute it. Talk to your producer. Provide a show underplaying your personality. Engage a research team. How was this nation still managed to exchange ideas, built Universities, ( I am sure you would have heard about Nalanda University) and a Chinese traveller called Yeun Sheung who travelled accross India and understood its culture - the country was united from its inception through a medium called " Sanskrit".

India is happy with its English ability to communicate with each other. What we need a movement now. And that movement can connect us only if we have a history to support it. Difficult task. But not impossible. Proivided you media does enough of research and present the Glorious India back to its citizens.

A country thwarted by its intellegencia who never even bothers to vote when its the time to elect a new system has no right to participate in this discussions. How many times have you voted in India Barka. Good question. I wont get an answer.

I know you are a Punjabi born and brought up in Delhi - scared of Sanskrit. Dont worry you will find enought of voluteers to help you... including the Sanskrit teacher who appeared in your show. Take some time out - may be its time you can do with some learning before you present it to your audience.

Indias linking was never in its language, will never be in its language - it will be in its culture. And that culture is hidden in libraries accross the country written in sanskrit. Instead of searchign for IGSE/ICSE/CBSE and many forms of Firang Universities - which has a history of not even 500 years lets start digging our own language history which has taught the world to communicate and interact.

Participate in promoting it in India for Indians by Indians.

God bless India.

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