Thursday, May 27, 2010

A child is the source of inspiration...

I have earlier written about the leanings I have undergone through children. As the day progresses and in the process when I watch my children - who are growing up as every day passes - one is 13 and other is 6. It's amazing to watch them, talk to them, connect to them, observe them and above all you learn something new from them every day. I am never tired of learning from my own children.

We can learn so much from children. And most of us have the good fortune to get to be closely reacquainted with the magic of childhood twenty or thirty years after we were children. If our children then have children, we get another lesson some years further down the track.

It would seem that many parents see the teaching process as a one way street.

Parents can also do well to spend more time learning from their children and less time teaching.

Children know a lot more about having a good time than most adults. Children know how to laugh.

They don't need much to laugh at. Sometimes they don't need anything at all. They laugh because it feels good. Did you get your quota of laughs today? ( I was moved to see my 13 year old daughter once remarked in FB - about generally feeling good factor)

They are delightfully spontaneous. Children don't analyze and work everything out. They are just busy "being".

Whenever we meet grown ups who are so spontaneous, we tend to treasure them also.

Let's do less thinking and more responding.

Children are eternally fascinated. They are curious.

Everything is a new exciting experience, to be absorbed. We Adults switched off ourselves.

Many of us have forgotten what a magic place this planet is.

Children are also very accepting. They are without prejudice. Rich or poor or black or white, you are OK. A child is not your religion or your politics. One of those occasions where I lost my cool for some thing ( an unfortunate night when I returned from travel when there was no power till wee hours I have lost all my cool and subjected my kid as a recipient for which I am ashamed off myself) the next day morning I called my daughter from office ( when I left in the morning she was still sleeping) and said sorry to her and apologized to her. She simple shrugged it off. That's children for you. They never do any carry forward of grudges.

Kids have enormous resilience and determination. If they want, they don't quit. Their persistence is really something to be admired, as well as endured. Children just keep going for it. When you learned to walk, you kept at it and kept at it. You fall over and got up. Finally you learned to walk! Do you still exhibit that kind of determination?

In a nutshell - Spend time with children. Learn more about laughter, spontaneity, curiosity, acceptance, resilience, trust, determination, and your imagination. They are here to teach us!

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