Thursday, May 27, 2010

A child is the source of inspiration...

I have earlier written about the leanings I have undergone through children. As the day progresses and in the process when I watch my children - who are growing up as every day passes - one is 13 and other is 6. It's amazing to watch them, talk to them, connect to them, observe them and above all you learn something new from them every day. I am never tired of learning from my own children.

We can learn so much from children. And most of us have the good fortune to get to be closely reacquainted with the magic of childhood twenty or thirty years after we were children. If our children then have children, we get another lesson some years further down the track.

It would seem that many parents see the teaching process as a one way street.

Parents can also do well to spend more time learning from their children and less time teaching.

Children know a lot more about having a good time than most adults. Children know how to laugh.

They don't need much to laugh at. Sometimes they don't need anything at all. They laugh because it feels good. Did you get your quota of laughs today? ( I was moved to see my 13 year old daughter once remarked in FB - about generally feeling good factor)

They are delightfully spontaneous. Children don't analyze and work everything out. They are just busy "being".

Whenever we meet grown ups who are so spontaneous, we tend to treasure them also.

Let's do less thinking and more responding.

Children are eternally fascinated. They are curious.

Everything is a new exciting experience, to be absorbed. We Adults switched off ourselves.

Many of us have forgotten what a magic place this planet is.

Children are also very accepting. They are without prejudice. Rich or poor or black or white, you are OK. A child is not your religion or your politics. One of those occasions where I lost my cool for some thing ( an unfortunate night when I returned from travel when there was no power till wee hours I have lost all my cool and subjected my kid as a recipient for which I am ashamed off myself) the next day morning I called my daughter from office ( when I left in the morning she was still sleeping) and said sorry to her and apologized to her. She simple shrugged it off. That's children for you. They never do any carry forward of grudges.

Kids have enormous resilience and determination. If they want, they don't quit. Their persistence is really something to be admired, as well as endured. Children just keep going for it. When you learned to walk, you kept at it and kept at it. You fall over and got up. Finally you learned to walk! Do you still exhibit that kind of determination?

In a nutshell - Spend time with children. Learn more about laughter, spontaneity, curiosity, acceptance, resilience, trust, determination, and your imagination. They are here to teach us!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Get on with life... Dont be in the captivity of your own negativity....


Know you are doing things right yet there still doesn't seem to be any movement towards getting your goal.

Spiritual Timing may be the answer. To determine if Spiritual Timing is the cause of your delay, you must first ask these questions.

Are You:

Trying to control the situation?

Worrying about what people will think?

Confusing happiness with fulfillment of desire?

Insisting that your way is the only right way?

Rationalizing your situation to maintain your own independence?

Living in the past or future and not in the moment?

Trying to stop change?

Setting up too rigid goals and paths to manifest your goal?

Setting up expectations for outcomes?

Trying too much or too hard to fulfill your desires?

Using the ego to set up significance, projections, feelings or attitudes towards accomplishment of your goal?

If you answered YES, to some or all of these questions, it may be your personal growth that is stopping you from actualizing your goal.

To eliminate these obstacles you must work on eliminating negative thought patterns that may be getting in your way.

If you answered NO to all these questions, the next step is to find out if you are in a place that I call the Creative Void.

A Creative Void is a time in your life where you are shifting, adapting and getting ready for a major change.

It is a spiritual growth time, where like spiritual timing, there is little or no movement. You may or may not know what your next step towards your goal is and you might not even know the goal. You feel and know a shift is about to occur and things around you don't feel exactly right - but nothing seems to be happening.

The Creative Void may be a time for information gathering, reflection, sitting still, eliminating things that are no longer necessary in your life. It is the time of spiritual growth and advancement towards balance in your life. To determine if you are in a Creative Void time here are some of the questions to ask yourself.

Do You:

Hold on to ideas, methods or things that inhibit your spiritual growth?

Need to get rid of attachment to people, places or things?

Want to find the missing balance in your life by including time for: Spirituality? Self? Family? Significant Others? Community? Career?

Need to let go of negative emotional situations?

Have to eliminate sources of fear in your life?

Need to make and accept changes in your mind, body or spirit to allow change to flow?

Have a need to find your purpose or service in life?

If you answered YES to any or all of these questions, you must honor this time of spiritual growth. Consider these things as opportunities for growth and work on them one-by-one.

Always remember that the Creative Void is a time to resolve issues and allow balance to come into your life. It is the time to throw away the old and invite in the new.

As issues and balance are resolved in your life, action will manifest and movement will follow.

If you answered NO to all these questions, it may be that Spiritual Timing is at work.

Spiritual Timing is what I call God's Timing. It is a time when everything is in synchronicity.

The right time, the right place and the right action all manifests when it is exactly right for everyone and every thing in the universe.

Everything is comprised of energy and we are all one. Therefore, every thought or action affects not only us but the universe as well. Negative thoughts produce negative energy just as positive thought produces positive energy. Universal truths (e.g., the power of love) are not perceptions and have their own energy.

Our perception, which is another energy, is just that -Our Perception. Every thing and everyone's perception is different from each other and is dependent upon their individual life path journey.

When you think about the magnitude of all this perceptive energy it can be overwhelming. Think of the energy of a flower growing, an ant busily living its life, the earth's energy or the individualized perceptive energy of the billions of people on earth. Each and every thing with its own energy!

Spiritual Timing orchestrates this energy for the good of all. Not just for the individual but for everything, everywhere.

You may be coming from the right place, doing everything right, having the right thoughts and providing the right energy, but perhaps somewhere some thing is not ready for what you are to manifest. Synchronicity is missing, so Spiritual Timing comes into play.

When Spiritual Timing is the cause of lack of movement towards your goal, patience and acceptance can help you cope with the delay. There are no mistakes and there is a reason why everything happens or does not happen.

Remember that we are comprised of body, mind and spirit and some or all of these areas can be addressed to help you wait until the Spiritual Timing is right. However you choose to cope with Spiritual Timing is exactly right for you. Here are some hints that I use when I get into Spiritual Timing.

Reduce Your:

Physical Stress by taking care of your body - Eat a proper diet - Take the correct dietary supplements and herbs - Get enough rest and sleep - Exercise

Mental Stress by quieting your mind - Accept that things are exactly right and stay positive - Understand that there are no mistakes and things will manifest when and how they are supposed to - Let Go and Just Be without expectation - Meditate and Pray

Emotional Stress by releasing attachment - Maintain an attitude of love, joy and happiness - Know you will be provided for and everything's all right - Practice
patience - Gain comfort knowing that things are happening for the good of all

Spiritual Stress by cleansing yourself of negativity - Feel and connect to the Oneness and Universal Love - Trust your inner guidance always - Know that everything is exactly right and the solution is being taken care of.

Following these hints doesn't mean that Spiritual Timing will work any faster.

After all time is man-made and not a prerequisite to the master plan. What will happen is that you will feel part of the whole, gain understanding and peace and be able to assist with even more positive energy.

Happiness.... clearly its all yours...

Happiness is a gift that we can all enjoy if we choose to; it enters your life when you let your thinking patterns take a more positive angle.

Rather than coming to negative conclusions hastily, the key is taking time to think about a situation in its entirety. A new angle will reveal itself which will make you understand why things happened the way they did. There is always the opportunity to be happy around every corner as the quotation by James Oppenheim states: "The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet

Learn to smile and laugh a lot more, it is infectious and soon you have others around you doing the same and time passes a lot better. Happy people radiate a field around them that draws others to them who want to share in their happiness. We all have come across people who have been through all sorts of problems in life and yet they have not stopped laughing or smiling. These people are examples to follow and they prove that even in their difficult times they have not given up hope or given up on life.

Happiness comes from acceptance of your situation or your surroundings. It comes from counting the blessings around you and believe me each one of us has plenty of blessings if we care to count them. The gift of health, the gift of families, the gift of friends, the list is endless. And if we are amongst those who have had more than their share of sadness in life, there are still things that make you have another go at life. It is a matter of finding something that will make you feel good about yourself and doing it.

Being healthy makes a person happy so learn to cultivate good health. This means eating less junk food, exercising not only the body but also the mind and entertaining good thoughts. The mind, body and soul work together as a unit so try and keep all three healthy and motivated. Being anxious and stressed does not promote happiness so try and rid yourself of emotions like these that drain the mind and the body. Seek help to get you on the road to good health

Learning new skills and exploring new subjects expands the mind and if it enhances a career then the satisfaction will relate to happiness. Self development makes a person feel good about themselves so do not let yourself stagnate but keep evolving. Life can be an exciting journey with so much that one can do and achieve at every stage, young or old.

To be loved gives a lot of happiness but to get this love you have to give it too. Do not hesitate to show your love to those that matter the most and caring to those that need it the most. Happiness also comes from giving to those not as fortunate as you.

The irony of life is that happiness lies in the simplest things of life and it does not have to cost a penny. Wouldn't it be sad then if we spent our lives not being happy and making everyone else around unhappy as well?

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go." (Oscar Wilde)

Care to live..

When does life really begin?

Is it when the first fluttering beats of the primitive heart of a fetus start, or when the child is pushed from the womb into the world?

Does it all actually start at the moment of conception when the egg and sperm meet and mix their genetic code together to create a new being.

Who can say really. No one knows because no one is sure of when life truely begins.

There are many out there who say an unborn child isn't really a person, or even alive because it can not sustain it's own life.

If this were true, then no one is a real person until they are living on their own away from their parents. When you stop and really think about this, without listening to the arguments about when life starts or if something is considered alive until a certain time, you would be suprised at what you may find.

When the primitive heart of a tiny fetus starts to beat for the first time, it is then that it starts to actually survive on its own, apart from its mother.

Though at this time, most mothers-to-be don't know they are mothers yet, they begin to change their attitude to a more gentle caring way and doing what they can to protect the tiny life inside them in many different ways. Its that life growing inside them that started those mothering instincts.

Its those instincts that protect it from harm until it is able to survive outside the womb and until it can live apart from its mother later in life. Even beyond that point, any mother will protect her young from everything she can.

I'm not a scientist, a theologist, or even a doctor. I am just an average woman with a child of her own. From the moment I felt those first flutterings of life within me and heard my child's beating heart for the first time, all thanks to modern technology, I have thought about when life truely began.

No matter what, from the very beginning when the egg and sperm meet, it is a living breathing human being. Sometimes, the life can not go beyond a few weeks inside the mother, but its still alive, until it can not go any longer.

There are times, when that life has to be ended, in such cases, it is still sad, but if the mother is to live, then it has to be done. There are other times, when frankly, it is best because there are other problems such as a tumor which is eating away at the child little by little.

It doesn't change the fact the child had to die, but at least, it had a small chance and brought just a little happiness into the mother's life.

So, when does life really begin? I don't know, but when ever it does, its all well worth keeping it going, for the rewards are more than what anyone truely deserves.