Friday, March 6, 2015

The Gen next....

I am right now sitting in Mumbai airport. 

I happen to witness a small conversation which has happened between a mom ( should be in her late 50s and her daughter - should be in her late 20s). 

I do not know the context of the conversation.

However I kept on hearing words like " fuck you mom" " you are insane mom" " you lost your mind mom" " its no great deal mom" " don't interfere in that matter mom". 

That old lady kept telling something like " no beta... you can't take hasty decisions" " you need to have more tolerance"..." you haven't seen the world yet'. 

I was too stunned to hear such conversation between a daughter and a mom.

May be age is catching up with me. I could not help but stare at them.  They were seated hardly five foot away from me across the table in the lounge - CCD.

From the way they were talking and dressed - ( it isn't diwali today isn't it) they appeared to be from Delhi. ( Hey I have nothing against Delhites - their " hanji" and " loud dressing" stands out).  The girl turns her attention to me and asked me " hello Mr. What are you staring at". 

I was momentarily ashamed of myself for staring at them.  Then realised what the heck, its a public place. I got up and walked to them  - said in a low voice to that lady " I was only visualising twenty years from now or later - your daughter having a conversation with you like the way you had with your mom... in a public coffee lounge in one of the airports as you travel". 

I returned to my seat and finished writing this piece.  Now I am looking up and searching for them.  They are nowhere to be seen. Did I teach a kid how to talk to her mom?.  ( late 20s they are still kids in India isn't it) I would not know. 

The old lady had a triumphant smile across her face when I seen her last when she heard me talking to her daughter.