Sunday, February 1, 2009

Luck by chance..

From the moment go...
the movie expands into predicability. The performers are expected to deliver their character... and nothing oridnary is expected out them.
I am a keen movie goer. I dont make judgement by the ratings provided by a Rs:2.50 newspapers. I make my own judgement. It's apparent from the movie Farhan Akthar has arrived. In his second movie, he could perform a character which has shades of grey.
At times he sounds and looks stressed. Probably in the name of being natural he has even underplayed any sort of dramatic expressions which otherwise might have expressed by situational demands.
The character of Vikram potryed by Farhan is impressive. Konkana Sen Sharma precisely does her role and adds yet another feather to her over loader cap. There is something about her which tells us she is far more capable than what she does on the screen.
Well as to the narration of the movie goes, its captivating. The story telling is superb and not a wrong note anywhere. After a very long time one could listen to heartening and meaningful lyrics.
Is it becuase of a family involvement? Hope not. ( Father, Daughter and Son Trio)
Well, one of the compelling thing about the movie is, it connects with the audience at an intelluctual level.
If you are prepared to watch it without and pre judice, its worth watching... and remember I never told you its good. Its amazing....